About the Journal

VI International Regional Economics Conference (REC-2021) "Territorial Inequality: a Challenge or a Driver of Development"

Website of the event: https://www.rec-uiec.ru (RU) (EN)

Website of the event: https://recie.webnode.com/ (RU) (EN)

The REC-2021 t will be held from 23 to 25 June 2021 in Ekaterinburg (Russian Federation) and organised by the Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences in partnership with the European Regional Science Association (ERSA), Ural Federal University (UrFU), Ural State University of Economics (USUE).

REC2021 provides a platform for academics, researchers, authorities and practitioners to present and discuss challenges facing regional development. Original research considering the impact of territorial inequality on social and economic transformations, analysing the extent and causes of disparities between countries, regions, and cities, as well as examining various ways to overcome these challenges are welcome. The contributions can provide a theoretical framework, as well as methods and applications of the issues under study.

The main scope of the Conference are the following:

  • Territorial inequality
  • Spatial differentiation
  • Comparative analysis of heterogeneous spatial systems
  • Inequality in terms of "core - periphery" relations
  • Regional convergence and divergence
  • Regional development models
  • Ways to reduce socio-economic disparities between territories
  • COVID-19 as a new factor of territorial inequality
  • etc.